Marketing Solutions
Attention Auto Repair Shop Owners:
AMG™ President David Rogers managed a repair shop for several years, growing the shop by an additional $2.5 million in just 3.5 years. Is your current marketing program this effective?We're also a full-service, award-winning art house with the experience to tackle your marketing needs, from business cards to brochures, from logo design to multi-drop mailings. Contact us, anytime.
Not Sure Where to Start? Start with a Checkup and a Diag!
If you're already spending a ton of money on marketing that doesn't work, why not find out where the money's being left on the table? Get some quick answers with our Free Marketing Checkup™. And if you've got bigger questions, we've got bigger answers for you, directly from the founders of AMG and our Marketing Diag Tool™.
Website Design
Get a website that works for your business for a change! Our Award-Winning Website Design is what your business needs to turn your visitors into customers, and to promote your business on the web. See examples of our work and learn more about how we can produce an effective, affordable website to drive customers to your business.
WebPresence™ Marketing
Got a great site that's stuck down on the 37th page of Google? Our WebPresence™ Marketing will get your site found by relevant visitors that turn into cars in the bays and money in your wallet! Get more than what other companies offer for much here to learn what it's all about and get started today!
DNL: Our 'Dear Neighbor' Letter™
"Customers who call in because of the Dear Neighbor Letter™ consistently compliment us AND spend more money than with any other marketing we use. It pays for itself!"
Bob & Su Walker
Mesa, AZ
Bob & Su Walker
Mesa, AZ
Small businesses don't need the "discounters" that traditional advertisements bring in, so ditch them! The DNL™ is more than just a friendly "Hello." It's a direct mail marketing campaign that targets the customers that you want to reach...not the bottom feeders, and not the "How fast? How cheap?" crowd, but quality customers who are ready to buy.
In fact, we're so completely convinced that this is the most effective advertising out there that we're reluctant to put an example on the web. We'd love to share it with you, though, and to tell you more about it.
For pricing information, to learn more, and to see examples, please contact us. We'll be happy to answer any questions you might have.
Monthly Customer Printed Newsletter
It stands for Top Of Mind Awareness, and it's one of the most important things you can get as a business. It means that when a customer thinks of your industry, they immediately think of you. Here's the problem: Top of Mind Awareness only works if your marketing pieces get read.
That's why we created the monthly customer newsletter. Unlike other newsletters, ours is designed to get read and for people to hang onto. What better way to achieve TOMA than with a marketing piece that customers want to save?
It's all about content. Our newsletter is professionally laid out, and includes advice, cartoons, crossword puzzles, contests, and recipes that doesn't look or feel like an ordinary marketing piece....because it's not.
All you have to do is simply fill in your business's name, contact information, and what services you would like to offer coupons for and send the document to your printer. To see an example of the newsletter that you will receive each month, click here.
Price: Only $97/month
Turn-Key Service
We also offer a turn-key service, in which we can do all of the printing and mailing for you. Because of postage rates and the varying number of residents in each zipcode, however, we ask that you contact us to receive a price quote.Monthly Customer Email Newsletter
There's not a more cost effective way to reach your entire customer base each month than through email, making this a powerful tool for Top Of Mind Awareness. This is especially true because it's not like other types of marketing. It's full of valuable information and money-saving tips -- not a lot shop talk -- meaning that many customers will hold on to it, print it out, forward it to their friends, and -- most importantly -- remember who sent it.
When you combine this email with the printed newsletter, you can reach your customers twice each month in a non-salesly, non-annoying way. Research continually shows that it takes around seven touches before a customer will come in to your shop...why not make those seven touches count for something, and build a relationship with your customer based on trust instead of on cheap coupons?
E-mail price: $97/month + $25/month art charge