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Automated Marketing GroupWe make effective marketing and advertising
easy while saving you money.

AMG™ Website Design Services

Most people don't even pick up their phone books anymore! It is just too easy to get onto Google, AOL or Yahoo and look something takes only a fraction of the time, and it's in a format that nearly everyone looks at several times each day.

The real secret now is creating a website that works for you, and at the Automated Marketing Group, we've spent tens of thousands of dollars learning the best ways.

Anyone can make a site pretty or flashy, and can make objects vroom across the computer screen...but none of those things will ever help you attract new customers.
  • The #1 key to a very successful website is how the search engines react when they are looking around the internet and trying to decide which sites should be near the top of the rankings.
  • And the #2 key is what happens when the customer gets there. Is your content pertinent? Are their questions answered? Does the site flow in a natural way, and does it make it easy for them to do business with you?
Many companies claim that can help you with key #1, and provide you with decent Search Engine Optimization. What they won't tell you is that you can't have success with Key #1 unless Key #2 is taken care of, and vice versa. They're intertwined, and unless you're designing your site with both in mind, it can cost you hundreds down the road in editing, revisions, and coding.

At the Automated Marketing Group, our goal is to provide you with a website that adheres to the most current web standards, is user friendly, and that is easily found and listed by search engines. (Skip to examples)

Web Standards

XHTML 1.1 Strict Web standards are the key to the future development of websites. Increasingly, websites that adhere to web standards can be viewed by any user, in any browser, over any medium (phone, handhelp, computer, etc.). Also increasingly, websites that don't adhere to standards won't display properly in new browsers, and aren't easily readible over some media.

By designing our websites in Extensible Hypertext Markup Language (XHTML 1.1 Strict) and with Cascading Style Sheets (CSS 2.0), we make sure that all AMG™ clients have websites that:
  1. can service all of their customers, present and future; and
  2. are easily read by search engine spiders, so that their pages will rank higher on Google, Yahoo, AOL, etc. than their competitors
In the long run, this means that your site won't need a costly redesign to keep up with new technology, saving you hundreds of dollars.

User friendly

Meta TagsWebsites have to be equally usable for all users, no matter what type of computer they have, the browser they use, the internet connection they have, or their previous experience with the technology.

All AMG™-designed sites focus on navigability and readability, so that any user should always be able to find exactly the information they are looking for with as little effort as possible. To this end (and with few exceptions), we always include a site map, which makes each page easily locatable, as well as increases the website's ranking on search engines.

The easier it is to use a website, the longer people stick around. And if they're reading more about you, your website is better able to show them your meaningful ways in which you are different from every other business that they can find.

Search Engine Optimization

Meta Tags The calculation method that search engines use to determine where a page is placed in search order isn't released to the public. This cuts down on businesses exploiting methods in order to get a higher ranking. There are several things that can be done, however, that the search engines recommend in order to achieve a higher ranking, including:
  • Designing to web standards
  • Creating and submitting a site map
  • Linking with other sites (both to and from)
  • Meta keywords
  • Content-based websites
  • Easy-to-use navigation
There are whole companies out there whose existance is based upon cleaning up other people's bad web design. If your site is created with optimization in mind, it will save you hundreds of dollars down the road that you'll never have to spend on optimizing your website.
