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Automated Marketing GroupWe make effective marketing and advertising
easy while saving you money.

Repair Shop-Specific Solutions

Before founding the Automated Marketing Group, president David Rogers spent years managing Keller Bros. Auto. The marketing and advertising he created helped grow the shop by an additional $2.5 million in under three years.

What this means for you, the shop owner, is that not only are our products proven to work in your industry, but we have years of experience with successfully marketing specifically to auto repair customers.

Industry Proven

Our marketing results speak for themselves:

"Customers who call in because of the Dear Neighbor Letter™ (DNL) consistently compliment us AND spend more money than with any other marketing we use. Several people have come by just to meet us after receiving it and later became customers. The DNL™ Works much better than anything we have used before. The repetition of mailing each quarter pays off and we have had new customers bring it in from mailings 6 months ago and beyond. It pays for itself!"

Bob & Su Walker
S&S Automotive
Mesa, AZ

Every marketing piece that we offer is one that has been proven to work in actual repair shops from coast to coast.

This means that we're not you're typical advertsing agency. Our marketing solutions aren't designed to make you just look busy (honestly, anyone can blanket a neighborhood with Free Oil Change cards and fill your bays with bad customers who cost you money), they're designed to make you money by bringing you the right kind of customer.

If you're still not sure, let's talk. We're happy to answer any questions or concerns that you might have.

Industry Specific

Typical advertising agencies love to tout "Response Rate." The more people that respond, the better. Problem is, this is only true if you're attracting the right kind of customer. If you plaster your neighborhood with Free Oil Change and Cheap Service coupons, you'll probably see a great response rate.

Chance are you'll also lose money on each customer that comes through your doors, not to mention the hassle they'll cause when you try and tell them what else they need besides their Free Service.

Which is why our marketing solutions focus on attracting customers who want to maintain their car, who care about service over price, and who will recommend your shop to their like-minded friends and family. The Dear Neighbor Letter™ is the most effective tool a repair shop owner can use to attract great customers:

"The DNL™ is the best piece of advertising we have ever used. It always out performs anything else by an almost 2 to 1 ratio! And, the customers that the DNL™ drives to our shop are the type of customers that make life-long customers."

Tony Campagnari
AutoMaster of Castle Rock
Castle Rock, CO

If you'd like to see what makes the DNL™ so effective, contact us today!
Learn more about the services we offer on our marketing solutions page.