Our Approach to Marketing

- The "Throw Money At It And See What Works" Method
- The "Make Your Advertisement Look Just Like Your Competetors" Method
- The "Offer FREE STUFF to Get A Great Response" Method
If your current marketing company isn't helping you make money, you're just throwing money away by the barrel-full.
That's more than just the easy way out; it's irresponsible.
The Automated Marketing Group's marketing approach, in stark contrast, begins with this simple idea: we offer real solutions that are proven to work for small businesses.In other words, we don't offer a huge list of marketing solutions. We don't carry a line of glossy, shiny, fancy products. In fact, the list of products that we offer may even seem like the opposite of glossy, shiny, and fancy.
- Our Dear Neighbor Letter™ is a proven and effective way to attract great customers to your business (and replace the bad customers you currently have!).
- Our Monthly Customer Newsletter and Customer Email are proven and effective ways to stay in contact with the great customers you already have!
- Our
Magnet Mailer is a proven and effective way to keeping your customers coming back, even months after they've used their coupons. - Our Website Design Services are are proven to be an effective way to reach new customers -- in ways that old fashioned services like the yellow pages never could.
How do we know? Because we test.

What's left, after this testing process, is what we offer on our marketing solutions page.
Who's It Going To Be? You, or Your Competition?
We only take one client per market area, so it's either you or your competition down the street who uses effective marketing to go directly after the quality customers that make a huge difference in sales, referrals, and repeat business. The consolation prize is getting to watch your competition make money while they steal your customers.Contact us today to get started.