Who We Are
David RogersPresident, Automated Marketing Group™![]() After years of success in the hospitality industry, including restaurants, hotels, and country clubs, David took his ability to connect with and serve people and began to apply that to other small businesses. The result has been the ability to consistantly generate great customers for businesses nationwide. In addition to moving to the forefront of small business marketing with Automated Marketing Group, David has added to his resume:
John BamfordSenior Account Manager, Automated Marketing Group™![]() His career started in the public accounting industry with Deloitte & Touche where he earned his CPA, later operating as a Controller and CFO in a large range of companies. John most recently spent 6 years in the recruiting industry as an independent external recruiter doing what he loves the most: interacting with business owners and executives. John is responsible not only for the clients' accounts, but also for training, mentoring, and overseeing of all accounts, and account managers. William JohnsonMarketing Director, Automated Marketing Group™Will Johnson has nearly ten years of experience in journalism and copy writing to go with his B.A. in English.Since 2006, Will has overseen the copy writing, graphic design, internet marketing and website design for the Automated Marketing Group. Among the websites that Will has created, MondayMorningMechanic.com was named "Best of the Best Website" by readers of Colorado Community Newspapers in 2007, and KellerBros.com was named a "Top Ten Website" by Auto Inc. Magazine in its January 2008 issue. Articles written by Will have appeared in the University of Missouri Student News, the Mizzou Equitas, the Tinley Park Star, the Automobile Service Association's Auto Inc. Magazine, the Automobile Service Council's Independent, and the Automobile Service Association of Arizona's Road Runner. Peter SheaCreative Assistant, Automated Marketing Group™Peter Shea grew up in Minnesota with the extreme weather and annoying mosquitoes. He graduated from Burnsville High School and then decided to get involved with the 'wrong crowd.' Later, he became a born-again Christian and got his live back together. He graduated from Dakota County Technicial College with an AAS Degree in Multimedia and Webpage Design.Looking for work with his new degree, he landed many different jobs, including: factory work, retail management, arcade management, consutruction, printer, and accoutnant. With none of the jobs in his field, he searched for more opportunity. He found it in Colorado with a company called Automated Marketing Group. Peter has a wonderful wife and two beautiful little girls. He spends most of his free time adoring his wife and chasing his daughters. |