
Shop from Pinterest with ‘Buyable Pins’

If you’re on Pinterest, you’ve almost certainly found a product on the social network that you’ve wanted to buy. You probably clicked on the pin and then clicked to the site, in the hopes that you’d be taken to an actual product page. Sometimes it works out. And sometimes you land on an old blog [Read more…]

New Facebook ‘Add A Link’ Tool

Picture this: You read an article about the Mad Men finale on the train to work. Once at work you decide your friend, Tom, would enjoy the article so you open Facebook to share it with him. Since you no longer have the article open on your screen, you head to Google to search for [Read more…]

A Love Note to Social Media

Dear Social Media, You’ve been in our lives for over a decade, and we are forever grateful for you. Our relationship started out more social, but in recent years you’ve really helped us decrease marketing costs, build relationships with customers, and drive traffic to our sites. Don’t let anyone tell you that you don’t matter! [Read more…]

Factors That Cause Changes in Organic Search Engine Rankings

There are many factors that can affect your page’s search engine ranking. Fortunately, you can control most of them. Although all major search engines keep their algorithms private, there are factors that have remained true over time no matter what changes are made to the algorithms. Certain factors, such as social media presence and online [Read more…]

Why Making a LinkedIn Profile is Important for your Business

Like it or not, social media and social networking are becoming a force to be reckoned with in this day and age. When used properly, these tools can be an integral and contingent part of small business’ success.  Let’s look at a couple of reasons it is important to have a profile on one of [Read more…]