
Google Update: New design for Admin Console

Google users may have already began to notice design changes across Google services. This comes from a recent initiative towards “Material Design” principles, making the activities and functions you perform regularly easier to access, while creating a unified and consistent look across Google’s apps. For those of you who use Google for Work, the Admin [Read more…]

Personalizing your Social Media to drive Engagement

As part of our WebPresence and Social media services for our business clients, we are always looking for the best ways to build an online community for our clients. Our goal is to create posts that engage with followers, facilitate conversations, and build brand awareness so they always think of your business first when they [Read more…]

Meet Dr. Dean

We get requests from people almost daily wanting more information about what makes a good website. I have spoken to owners of auto repair shops, fishing charters, dry cleaners, pediatric clinics… and too many others to count. (If you guessed that we love to support the small business community, you’d be 100% correct!) They want [Read more…]

Marketing Your Business Without Spending A Lot

Emily Adams, our content marketing specialist, recently wrote an article about free or low-cost ways to market your small business. This article includes advice on how to build your brand, grow with social media and develop a good website. From the article on wework.com: “Marketing your business online is now more accessible than ever before. [Read more…]

The Benefits of Web Reviews

If you are anything like me, a tremendous amount of product research is put into purchasing big ticket items. Recently, I have done research for items like a T.V., ring appraisal, and even a computer. The “internet generation” is able research whether a store provides a reliable product and great customer service, or not. Consumer value, [Read more…]

The newest employee’s perspective at AMG

I am guessing by the title of this blog I am already found out. That is me; I am the newest addition at a small, family-run business, known as Automated Marketing Group (AMG). Graduating from Metropolitan State College of Denver in 2003 with my Bachelor’s Degree in Behavioral Sciences, I never would have envisioned myself [Read more…]

Color Design in Websites

Color is one of the most important aspects of design. But where do you start? What colors are right for your business? The infographic below provides some information about the psychological aspects of color, and will give you some guidance on choosing the right colors to represent you. Click for larger image Sites referenced in [Read more…]

Using Adwords and SEO Together For an Effective Marketing Strategy

Search Engine Optimization and Paid Search Advertising are both individually effective strategies in promoting your services or brand online, but together, they can be a powerhouse. Cohesiveness between the two helps to build a highly effective campaign with the most profitable keywords and content. Added Exposure: Brand Recognition The more your logo and name are [Read more…]

Google Analytics: Make Your Website Count (without a counter)

Remember the days when websites used numeric counters on their pages to see how many people had been to their site? These counters quietly disappeared from the web and with good reason. They’re not very accurate, can’t track any demographic information and are usually not very well integrated into the layout of the site. Now [Read more…]

FAQ’s For Paid Search Advertising

Gone are the days of businesses relying on mediums such as the Yellow Pages for advertising. The thick, never ending books have been traded for today’s faster and more reliable technology. Online advertising has become an essential part of running a successful business. Bad exposure, or worse, no exposure can be detrimental to a company. [Read more…]